Third Grademrs. Macsmith's Marvelous Music Site

Third Grademrs. Macsmith

  1. Third Grade Mrs. Macsmith's Marvelous Music Sites
  2. Third Grade Mrs. Macsmith's Marvelous Music Site Free

Moderation Tools

Kidblog provides K-12 teachers with tools to safely publish student writing. Teachers can monitor all activity within a community of authors. Posts can even be public, but nothing goes live until a teacher approves it.

Authentic Audience


Mack's Third Grade Page! Subpages (1): Technology for Teachers.

Recently, I was talking to a client for an upcoming speaking gig, and he told me, “We need you to tell a group of local business leaders why art matters.”Unsure of what to say, I thought about it and realized creativity can do certain things in the world that nothing else can. Music's We Offer Praises Extravagant Grace Rain Down Rock Of Refuge Your Kingdom Come and Marvelous Things. Arrangements for piano organ and four-part harmonyare included plu 13.99 GBP - Sold by Musicroom UK. Welcome to the Choir! All 4th and 5th grade students at Millburn have the opportunity to join our after school choir. We meet twice a week after school from 2:25 to 3:40 and perform at least twice outside of school over the course of the year.

Kidblog empowers students to write with a meaningful purpose for a real audience. Connect with other classes down the hallway, across your district, or around the world. Students practice digital citizenship within a secure environment.

Digital Portfolios

Kidblog enables schools to document student learning over time. With no manual curation required, students' portfolios are built automatically across classes, demonstrating growth year-over-year. Parents can celebrate their children's achievements throughout their academic journey.

Google, Microsoft, Clever or ClassLink Login

Use Google Apps, Microsoft 365, Clever Instant Login, or ClassLink OneRoster to access your Kidblog account. No new passwords to manage.

Third Grademrs. Macsmith

Third Grade Mrs. Macsmith's Marvelous Music Sites

Google Classroom and Drive Integration

Teachers can create and grade assignments seamlessly. Embed Google Docs, Slides, Drawings, PDFs, audio and videos into Kidblog posts.

Media Library

Third Grade Mrs. Macsmith's Marvelous Music Site Free

Capture and embed unlimited photos, audio, and videos from any device (iPad, Chromebook, Surface, laptop, desktop, mobile), or choose from hundreds of Creative Commons licensed images. Customize each post individually.

Class Connections

Find and follow classes throughout the Kidblog network. Go beyond the four walls of the classroom, making connections down the hall or across the world.

Publishing Statistics

Measure post and comment activity throughout the year. Your student authors will amaze you.

Free Lesson Plans and Resources


Download a complete blogging unit plan for free. Get up and running with your blogs right away. And we're always here to help.

Kidblog in the Classroom

Membership Options

Site License
Priced per school
Volume discount available

For individual schools or an entire district. Unlimited teachers & students, with reporting and analytics tools.

Annual Membership
$75 $54 / year
or $12 monthly

Your Teacher membership provides a safe publishing space for up to 200 students and multiple class sections.

Email to get started with Kidblog